Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Planning Is the Best Way to Improve the Quality of the Environment Essay

There is no agreed definition of ‘environmental planning’; most studies have had an arduous job in trying to meet a description for it as the environment covers a wide range of issues. In one sense, all Town and Country Planning is concerned with the environment. (Cullingworth & Nadin, 1997, p163) But as the issue of environmental concerns have risen up the political agenda a number of non-planning organisations have had an increasing role to play. It must be noted that the role planning in the environment is not a new instrument in its protection; The Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1968 prohibited the emission of dark smoke, in an effort to improve environmental quality. This essay intends to discuss the main instruments use in the contemporary planning system in the UK, which are handed the task of protecting and improving the environment. It begins by briefly outlining the reasons why planning is used for environmental protection and its new role in promoting sustainability. These objectives are highlighted in recent government papers and are explored in the objectives outlined in LA21. The next section reveals how the planning system might be seen as failing these objectives and its shortcomings by a brief comparison with other nations, thus providing conclusions for the suitability of planning as the best way of improving environmental quality. The United Kingdom’s Town and Country Planning system is the framework within which the development and use of land is determined. It provides a structure within which economic, social and environmental considerations can be weighed to help secure sustainable development. (DETR, 1996) Planning has been illustrated as the main advocate in achieving sustainable development; it is placed with the task to guide suitable development within a sustainable context via its development control methods. This seems an obvious choice as the framework within the UK planning system is already in place to successfully implement policy on sustainable development, throughout all levels of government. Traditionally the Town and Country Planning system in the UK has had a pro-development bias, it is argued that in order to improve and maintain the environment, planners have to alter this ethos to accept greener issues. What has always been apparent within the realms of environmental planning is the major role that politics plays. Indeed Britain’s reluctance in environmental concerns was partly due to the conservative regimes of promoting a market-led economy, free of state intervention, it was not until the 1980s that the ‘environment’ rose up the political agenda with the potential of being a major vote winner. Before which, it was argued by Thatcher that environmental planning had be taking place for some years via the planner’s use of material considerations. The Conservative government took a dramatic u-turn and its views on state free from intervention were quashed as it accepted the terms outlined in 1992 Earth Summit. The conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, hosted talks for one hundred and fifty nations, it was at this conference where sustainability found a structure, in Agenda 21. The following section discusses the issue of sustainable development and its implementation through Agenda 21, outlining the responsibility of the UK planning regime to enhance and protect the environment. Sustainable Development & Agenda 21 It is argued that the UK Sustainable Development Strategy should be viewed as providing the guiding principles for environmental planning in the UK. Sustainability is seen as one of the main advocates for providing planning policies that protect and provide quality environments throughout the UK. It is certainly true that the issue of sustainability is a concept that surrounds environmental policy. However its large adoption since the resurrection of green issues in the 1960s has lead to is its overuse and ambiguity. The term has become a symbol of environmentalism in contemporary politics. Governments, academics and environmental groups have tried to attain an answer as they continue to commit to sustainable policy. It is hardly surprising that the idea of sustainability has encompassed a number of differing views, one of the most famous ideas is included in the 1987 Brundtland Report: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. ’ (as cited in Cullingworth & Nadin, 1997, p164) However the issue of sustainable development became a reality in the creation of Agenda 21, in Rio, 1992. This marked a comprehensive world programme for sustainable development in the twenty-first century, and the adoption of a wide degree of public participation. In the UK this is organised at central and local government levels. The former resulted in the Sustainable Development Strategy of 1994. At the local level, Local Agenda 21 (LA21) calls for each local authority to prepare and adopt a local sustainable development strategy. LA21 provides an opportunity to promote and maintain environmental quality at a level where the public can immediately feel the effects. It is essential that LA21 is a process by which the public can get involved in environmental issues affecting their immediate area, thus educating the population in the concepts of sustainability. LA21 is the process of drawing up and implementing local sustainable development plans, with the local authority working in partnership with citizens, local organisations and businesses to achieve this. (RCEP, 1999, p7) LA21 intentions are not purely environmental; sustainability includes social and economic issues that cover the community as a whole in an effort to build a consensus between people, rather than the traditional, confrontational ways of working. Once goals are sought, progress can be made and evaluated, by measuring progress. However the UK government could be criticised for being a little slow to respond to the issues outlined in Rio, the guidance for local authorities was issued in 1998. It came in the form of the good practice guide on Planning for Sustainable Development, from the DETR. In 1999 Labour introduced a new strategy for sustainable development, entitled A Better Quality of Life, it highlighted four key principles: 1. Social progress which recognises the needs of everyone 2. Protection of the environment 3. Prudent use of natural resources 4. Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment (DETR, 1999) However the guidance has been criticised for its lack of strategic vision, as it sets no quantitative targets or timetables. This is highlighted in the notion that it is a very broad document, as there is a need to secure the approval from other Ministries in order to initiate new policy commitments. (UWE, 2000) Problems of the planning system in protecting the Environment Advisory bodies have promoted the need for target-led planning for a number of years. The term objective-led planning is aimed at broader strategic goals, e. g. Improving air quality, whereas target-led planning relates to more specific goals, e. g. Ozone levels not exceeding a certain concentration over a specified time period, as in the case for the inner London Boroughs. However there is still reluctance by government to set concrete targets in some sectors or areas at national level. They prefer to leave it up to the lower tiers of government, which can often cause considerable strain, e. . Meeting housing targets. However target-led planning is slowly becoming the norm for many local authorities as they implement their plans. They usually involve targets for the protection of sites, air quality, waste recycling etc. Central advice is starting to emerge, referring to the advice outlined in the DETR’s Planning for Sustainable Development: Towards Better Practice, 1998; here it noted that guidance on sustainability should contain specific targets, which could be incorporated into RPGs. It is these relationships between national and local objectives which will need to be observed closely in the near future in order to determine how different interests are integrated in the final production of plans. In many areas, there needs to be a greater range of targets, with clear strategies for their implementation. The problem is that plans remain plans unless they are implemented and with only 30% of all local authorities having theirs in place in 1998, sustainable policy will remain unactioned theory. DETR, 1999a, p2) It is vital that the plans are implemented in order to set realistic targets. Environmental planning in the UK is currently in a period of significant change. This is at all levels and across many issues. The number of plans, strategies, begin produced today is far greater than at any previous period. This is partly the result of extensive criticism over many years from the lack of planning in areas; most of it derives from EU or international developments (80% of all UK environmental policy originated in the EU). Plans have been advocated as being the primary source of reference in determining sustainable objectives that improve the quality of the environment. Environmental plans have subsequently grown considerably from local authorities, government agencies and ad hoc groups, which has brought together different issues. The number of plans should not be seen as a problem, the important issue is whether their development is co-ordinated and to what effect decision-makers implement them. As we near 2002, the next Earth Summit will ask questions of LA21, as the UK councils are getting ready to launch their plans. However work has already begun on Community Plans, which outline strategies for the well being of the local area and its people, again all councils are required to produce these. In aim they’re very like LA21, it is not clear how the two will connect together. In some places the LA21 is acting as the first draft of the Community Plan, which has advantages and disadvantages. In other places completely different teams of officers are developing the Community Plan, and there’s no guarantee of any connection between the two. It seems obvious that the people who took the trouble to have an input into the LA21 process will want to see some action come about as a result. Another concern is that Community Planning doesn’t have the connection to the global picture that LA21 has built in. As environmental issues have become more complex, ways have been sought to measure the impacts of development. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a procedure introduced into the British planning system as a result of an EC Directive. EIA provides a powerful tool for aiding planning decisions; it has highlighted questions on the technical understanding of the environment and the availability of relevant information and skills. EIA needs to be able to subjectively demonstrate its understanding of development with their effects on the environment. The education of planners and access to environmental information is essential in making sense of the answers. Recent studies have shown that the UK does not have the extensive requirements for environmental assessment as some of its European counterparts. Sweden and the Netherlands have quite stringent regulations on the environmental assessment of its planning applications, New Zealand in particular requires all planning applications to have an environmental impact assessment statement. (UWE, 2000) This illustrates the differing views on sustainable objectives; countries such as Sweden and the Netherlands have interpreted it in terms of very specific principles, whereas the UK has applied a plethora of general statements, which incorporate the environment, economic and social dimensions of sustainability. However there is an overall general recognition from European countries towards the need for a more comprehensive view of planning. The importance of planning is perhaps best highlighted by looking at those nations which have a relatively weak framework; the USA system adopts a vary degree of influences, to the extent where it is difficult to identify any particular ethos. Major influences arise from the roles of non-governmental organisations and the US courts. It is worth noting that the USA has been one of the nations who have struggled to attain sustainable objectives. Is the UK planning system the best way to improve the environment? The UK needs to gain a greater understanding of sustainability and environmental protection and the implications for the operation of environmental planning. It seems that there are clear holes in national strategic planning, which have left the decisions to the lower tiers of government. Part of the reason could be the UK’s fairly complicated legislative framework, which perhaps needs to be simplified to allow for greater integration of environmental planning. IEEP, 1999, p60) This rigidness is reflected at all levels, but is particularly noticeable in local government where professional officers now have to understand the large scope of environmental policy, whilst adapting from an ethos of development led planning. Another factor is that senior planning officials may lack the environmental expertise needed to review planning applications. A issue accentuated by the fact most environmental data is presented with in-depth scientific knowledge, planners often have to sub-contract these aspects of an application to environmental experts. This is accentuated by the fact that pressure from central government to reduce the time taken to process planning applications may well conflict with environmental assessment, which invariably is a lengthy process. Criticisms of planners originate from the political nature of their profession. The key principle to maintain is the fact that the final decision rest with Politicians, planners have to remain the professional advisor, therefore the power to govern the land environmental will always remain in the hands of a political advocate. In reflection, planning in the UK has had a range of powerful tools that can effectively govern the environmental implemented in recent years. The main stimulus cannot be attributed to the national government, who have largely been apprehensive if not hostile in their approach to environmental policy. The spread of environmental concern is a direct result of public and international pressure; consequently governments have had to respond. The environment’s direct conflict with development has ensured that action has filter down to planning systems, which can effectively govern and control evelopment. The huge task of ensuring sustainable objectives is thus left to the local authority via the guidance from regional and central government, however the vagueness of which, means that LA21 objectives will vary greatly. This uncertainty has ensured that local sustainable development plans have been slow to be implemented. This is accentuated by the government’s reluctance to establish target-led planning, which could provide a valuable insight on how to tackle sustainable objectives head on. Therefore the issue of planning as the best means to improve environmental quality does represent an insincere statement. Planning is certainly a powerful tool in environmental protection, which is perhaps not being utilised to its fullest extent, but it will always have a heavy political influence. The growth of agencies outside the planning regime such as the Environment Agency can help ensure that environmental quality is maintained.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Three major Sociology theories

There are three major sociology theories known as functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionist perspective. Symbolic interactionism is the use of symbols and is face-to-face interaction. Functionalism has to do with relationships between the parts of society and how the aspects of society are adaptive. The last, conflict theory is the competition of scarce resources and how the elite control the poor and week. The symbolic interactionist perspective which is known as symbolic interactionism directs sociologist to consider the symbols and details of everyday life, what these symbols mean, and how people interact with each other(1).George H. Mead Introduced this perspective to American sociology in the 1920s. According to this theory people attach meaning to symbols. An example of symbols are wedding bands, vows of life-long commitment, a white bridal dress, a wedding cake, a church ceremony, and flowers and music. These are all examples of symbols explain in the theory. Symbolic interactionist may miss the larger issue of society by focusing too closely on the â€Å"trees. † An example would be focusing too strongly on the size of the diamond in the wedding ring rather than the â€Å"forest,† which would be the quality of marriage.The functionalist perspective, known as functionalism, is when each aspect of society is interdependent and contributes to society’s functioning as a whole. This was brought to sociology by Emile Durkheim. The government, or state, provides the education for the children in the family, which in turn pays taxes on which the state depends to keep itself running. Functionalists believe that society is held together by social consensus, or cohesion, in which members of the society agree upon, and work together to achieve, what is best for society as a whole.Durkheim suggested that social consensus takes two different forms, mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity is a form of social co hesion that arises when people in a society maintain similar values and beliefs and engage in similar types of work. Organic solidarity is a form of social cohesion that arises when the people in a society are interdependent, but hold to carrying values and beliefs and engage in varying types of work.Karl Marx was the originated the conflict perspective, which focuses on the negative, conflicted, and ever-changing nature of society. Unlike functionalists who defend the status quo, encourage social change, and believe rich and powerful people force social order on the poor and the weak. Conflict theorists find social conflict between and groups in which the potential for inequality exists: racial, gender, religious, political, economic, and so on.This constant competition between groups forms the basis for the ever-changing nature of society. I agree most with interactionist perspective because it fits me and what I believe. I believe at looking at the big picture not little stuff in the way. It is important to concentrate on the bigger picture. They are all good theories and each are made for different people I’m sure people agree and disagree with all the theories but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good in their own way.

Change Essay

An individual’s attempt to live freely is based on self-respect and interest. To disrupt the ideal and significance of living under a conventional life style, one must step outside their daily routines. We are often resistant to change due to the consequences of our actions but for many, having a routine becomes everything. It is a comfortable customary way of living that guarantees safety and for things to stay the exact same. When a routine has become stagnant and unbendable we have become prisoners within the cells of our own making. By looking at â€Å"Behind the Headlines† by Vidyut Aklujkar one can see the theme the author demonstrates betwwen tradition and change*change can bring liberty In the short story Behind the Headlines, Vidyut Aklujkar states a conflict between tradition vs change. Hariharan’s blind acceptance of mistreating Lakshmi is what leads her to such impulsive way to gain control of her own life. â€Å"Lakshmi got tired just thinking about the predictability of her life.† With this statement we can presume she feels obligated to serve Hariharan due to their marriage and customs. â€Å"Mornings begun thus with Sanskrit and Sangeet would make one feel warm and pure.† Lakshmis flashback to India provides the reader with evidence that like Hariharan, she has also morning routines. She then explains how she had to leave all that behind when she married Hariharan and had to move to Canada. In the short story â€Å"Behind the Headline† by Vidyut Aklujkar, the wife Lakshmi is exhausted of her repetitive life that is caused by her husband Hariharan profession.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Compare and Contrast 10 Cultural Death Rituals Essay

Compare and Contrast 10 Cultural Death Rituals - Essay Example They believe that death is an important aspect of culture especially the Bakongo people. African Americans believe that death is not a time of sadness but rejoicing because the dead person leaves the troubles and sufferings of the world and goes to a place full of happiness. This is important to healthcare provision because it helps care givers to prepare for a terminally ill patient without much difficulty and also make it easy for them to announce the death of a loved one to the people. They believe in life after death. When a person dies, he cannot be buried in a rainy day, should be buried facing east to allow him or her to rise at judgement day (Lobar, Youngblut & Brooten, 2006). White Americans believe that death is a natural ending of life caused by a variety of sources and also that there is life after death. Death rituals in this culture includes visitation where the body of a deceased is placed on coffin to allow for viewing, performance of a funeral (memorial service involving the clergy and a eulogy) and a burial service where the deceased is laid to rest. This affects healthcare delivery in the sense that when a person dies in the hospital, it becomes easier for nurses and other medical professionals to explain to the family members of the cause of death (Vaughn, Jacquez & Baker, 2009). Arab Americans have death rituals as well. They believe in life after death. First, they prefer to bury the body of the deceased the same day that the death occurs. However, before the body is buried, they wash the body and all its orifices. They do not allow organ donation after the death of their loved ones. These rituals have effects to healthcare provision. Washing the dead body could lead to numerous infections and further deaths in cases of communicable diseases. The refusal on organ donation makes it difficult for people to get organs when they need them and this negatively affects healthcare provision (Padela, Gunter

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cultural, Economic, and Institutional Inequality in the US Assignment

Cultural, Economic, and Institutional Inequality in the US - Assignment Example While using the public policy field, it will be possible to have a deeper understanding of how the political economy in the US is organized. Within these fields, the focus will mainly be on the wealth and poverty in the United States with regards to public policy, as well as social inequalities in the US with regards to sociology. This research will be important to a wider audience because there has been a significant increase in cultural, economic, and institutional inequality in the United States since the mid-70s. The United States for a long time has been one of the most unequal countries among the developed countries in the world. However, the cultural and economic upheaval that started in the seventies acted as a stark departure from the movement that had sought to push for more equality after the Great Depression and into the Second World War (Pontusson 41). The push for equality had been a core feature of public policy in the thirty years after WWII and its reversal consequences of this reversal should be of importance. In addition, this research paper is important because it will deal with a pertinent issue in American society today. Despite the magnitude with which inequality has risen in the United States, it seems that political discourse only refers obliquely to inequality in the United States. Th e debate in the public arena, neither acknowledges the scale and widespread nature of inequality in the United States, nor does it discuss why these sustained, and sudden changes have occurred in a serious and focused manner (Pontusson 42). This research paper will seek to expand, on policy recommendations, to reverse the trend of economic inequality in the United States, providing an alternate view of the period after World War 2, particularly the last thirty years.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Aunt Jemima as an Example Racial Superiority and Stereotyping Essay

Aunt Jemima as an Example Racial Superiority and Stereotyping - Essay Example The origin of the logo for the company was said to have come up when Chris Butt, who had developed a recipe for self-rising pancakes happened to see a minstrel show by two comedians Baker and Farrell (William & Mary University). Rutt and his partner took inspiration from a character portrayed by the minstrel show and the logo of Aunt Jemima was born. Initially, the picture showed a colored woman dressed as a typical Southern slave with a headdress that used to be worn by such classes during the time of slavery. While the promoters of the product claimed that the logo was an indication of Southern hospitality, many others felt that it portrayed a benign or subtle form of racism and stereotyping. By the 1950s, protests against the logo grew, especially among the African American community. The company then changed its (popular) logo, depicting younger Jemima without the headdress. The final version of the logo showed a graying African American woman with earrings was brought out in 198 9. This, according to the company intended to portray the message that the lady in the picture was a working mother (and not a slave). But the racist angle still remained because she was colored and not Caucasian or White. The Company also removed their punchline, I'm in town, honey’, which was typical of the language used by the community at that time. A society dominated by whites, exploitation of colored people in the form of entertainment and business was seen as acceptable and even reassuring superiority of class ("Exploiting race and ethnicity"). According to the article, consumers (White) were comfortable when colored people were seen as contented plantation workers who were ignorant and comical fools. Author M.M. Manning agrees with the view that Aunt Jemima logo does portray and image of race superiority.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Undecided Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Undecided - Research Paper Example The most vulnerable States were the third world countries;this is because they survived on loans, to bridge the deficits in their budget allocations. They also applied for these loans for purposes of initiating development activities within their states. On this note, the two Bretton woods institutions attached these conditions to ensure that the money lent, will carry out intended purposes2. The conditions were imposed for purposes of reducing the borrowing trends of the third world countries, and they were aimed at opening up their markets for purposes of trade, and thus a nation could generate sufficient resources to take care of its budget. On this note, the main aim of the policies was to force a state to open up their economies, and concentrate on trade. They advocated for the removal of trade barriers, and the privatization of the various government parastatals3. On this note, this paper examines the notion that the structural adjustments policies helped in the growth of the t hird world countries. ... tself and determine its own affairs.4 Other scholars argue that the structural adjustments policies were aimed at opening up the economies of third world countries, in order to allow well established companies, a presence in their economies. This in turn will lead to unfavorable balance of trade between the third world country, and the country in which the multinational company comes from. These scholars argue that at the time, third world countries did not have companies that had the capability of competing with these huge companies from Europe and United States of America. These companies controlled numerous resources, including financial and technological resources. On this note, companies operating in Africa, and Asia could not match them in terms of skills, and the resources. These Multinational companies enjoyed economic advantage, and therefore they would make huge profits in these economies, and plough them back into their mother countries, instead of investing a portion of t heir profits in the host country. On this note, this paper examines whether the structural adjustments policies contributed to the decline of the economies of third world countries. Synthesis: There are many arguments for and against liberalization of an economies state. One of the arguments supporting the opening up of a countries’ economy is that it would lead to the growth of the nation’s GDP. Take for instance Brazil, China and India, these three are the world’s fastest growing economies, and this is because they took measures to liberalize their economies, allowing competition, and little government regulation in their sectors. It also needs to an exchange of the much needed foreign exchange, which is beneficial to a nation’s GDP, and for International trade5. Take India for

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Examine how effectively one local authority empowers young people by Essay

Examine how effectively one local authority empowers young people by facilitating the election of a young mayor - Essay Example Apart from this, the other policies being undertaken by the government include the establishment of the ‘Youth Innovations Zones’. In fact, in recent scenario, the UK government is undertaking prudent strategies in order to accelerate the youth participation. The youth participation is increasing in the areas such as building futures, developing engagement and augmenting participation in learning as well as work among others (Department for Education, 2011). The UK government’s effort in providing the young generation with the power to generate opportunities for themselves can be well identified by ‘Young Mayor’s Project’. London Borough of Lewisham is known for its history that reflects about the encouragement and the involvement of young people’s participation pertaining to the local democracy. This particular project is determined as a strategy to encourage citizenship along with the participation of Lewisham’s young people. This study intends to discuss the effectiveness of the local authority in empowering the young people by facilitating the election of a young mayor in the London Borough of Lewisham. Furthermore, the concerned study will provide a reflection on the young people policies and practices. It will further evaluate the notion of youth participation and citizenship for the work with young people. ‘Young Mayor’ is regarded as a young person, who is usually elected by a group of young people to represent themselves. ‘Young Mayor Scheme’ is looked upon as the election process. In accordance with the ‘Youth Mayor Scheme’, it can be determined that this particular scheme executes considering the cabinet based system. One of the key constituents of Lewisham‘s Young Mayor Scheme is that it involves 25 young advisers for the purpose of decision making. In this regard, it can be well ascertained that their prior responsibilities include conveying the information and the concerns of the young

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Doing Business in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Doing Business in China - Research Paper Example There is more than 1 billion population in China; one sixth of the world’s population lives in China itself (Colson, 2013). More than 56 ethnic groups are recognized in China and 90 percent of the population is Hans Chinese but the group also consists of other ethnic groups like Zhuang, Yi Miao, Uighar Manchu and Dhong (Colson, 2013). Like any other countries culture the cultural values of China has altered slightly due to the impact of globalization (Ward, Entrkin & Pearson, 2002).During the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the People’s Republic of China the orthodox Chinese Confucianism was heavily criticized on several grounds. After the Cultural Revolution there was a slight alteration in the Chinese value system and even culture dominated cities like Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong witnessed considerable amount of changes (Yau, 2007). The Chinese culture is largely influenced by the social interactions and interpersonal relationships between the individuals in the so ciety. The Chinese language is spoken by more than 85 percent of the population and is considered as one of the toughest language of the world. The language is also called Putonghua and is also claimed as the country’s national and official language (Kane, 2006). ... China: Individual or Collectivist? It is observed that the Chinese society is a highly collectivist culture where the interest of the team are given more importance than the priority of the individual. It is not necessary that in a family oriented business there would be preferential treatment towards the family members. The workers would prefer working on a holiday or a public holiday to meet the deadlines of the work. The commitment towards the organization is high than the employee interest and goals (Duel, 2012).The relationships of employees within the group are warm and cooperative while the relationship with other groups is hostile and cold. The Chinese employees believe in cooperating with each other for delivery of excellent performance (Pang, Roberts & Sutton, 1998). For example the MG6 was the first automobile designed by Shanghai Automotive Corporation in UK. The success of the car was totally contributed to the effective teamwork between the Chinese employees. If a weste rn organization wishes to collaborate with the Chinese department then they should lay emphasis on communicating the ideas and process to the Chinese employees with patience and clarity for successful performance (Xiaoming, 2011). China: High or Low Power Distance? The power distance lays emphasis on the impact of the influence of the culture within a society or an organization (SagePub, 2006). It is observed that the individuals working in the society and the employees working in the organization are not treated as equal. The Chinese Society maintains a rank system and follows the hierarchy stringently. The Chinese society believes that the inequalities prevalent in the society are

Effectiveness of the Free Market Economies over Mixed Economies Essay

Effectiveness of the Free Market Economies over Mixed Economies - Essay Example Competition is one of the simple reasons why there are generally so many diverse varieties of goods for consumers to choose from. On the production side of the market, firms making goods which are more popular with consumers can sell them at competitive prices and earn profits. But producers who make uninvited products, or operate unproductively and pay too much to create their products, will suffer losses, eventually, they must either learn to create and compete efficiently making produces customers need at competitive rates, or they will verve out of business. Another effectiveness of free market economies is that companies can fine-tune easily to changes i.e. they don’t have to follow the government procedures when they want to change the kind of products to produce. This is better as opposed as opposed to mixed economies where unsuccessful regulations may paralyze production processes. This can lead to shifting of economic balance. In a mixed economy, the government also d ecides on the amount of tax to be levied on products which lead to people grumpy about high taxes and their reluctance to pay. The main advantage is that a free market economy enjoys the determination of prices by forces of demand and supply without monopolistic or oligopolistic influences. The role of the state is very limited in determining what goes on in a free market as opposed to mixed market which is controlled by both government and private enterprises. Government regulation stimulates inefficiency. Free market leads to optimal allocation of resources in a country. This would only happen in a state of equilibrium or where the demand and supply are equal and there is a unique price for every commodity in question. In a practical world however...This essay offers a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the free market economy, as a type of the economic system. The free market example is The United States Of America. Economics system is the resolving system for the basic econom ics problem. There are three types of the economics system; planned economy, mixed economy and free market. Businesses and consumers select the products they will produce or buy in free market economy. In other words, the producers decide on the kind of goods to produce, how they are to be produced and what price to charge on the final goods produced and even what to pay their employees. The choices are made by persons themselves and not the government. Free market economies offer numerous advantages. One of the main advantages is competition Competition helps keep prices lower because several companies will be competing for customers. Lower prices are an effective way of attracting and retaining customers. Another effectiveness of free market economies is that companies can fine-tune easily to changes i.e. they don’t have to follow the government procedures when they want to change the kind of products to produce. This is better as opposed as opposed to mixed economies where unsuccessful regulations may paralyze production processes. In a free market economy innovation is compensated Producers who are innovative will come up with more efficient methods of production. Innovation of new products will see the needs of consumers in better ways that existing goods and services.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Criminal Data and Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Criminal Data and Statistics - Essay Example Hence, it is a credible gadget to have a firm grip on accountability and keep a track of the different important players that are concerned with the justice system concerning the criminals of our society. The sector of criminal data and statistics should only be utilized for the sake of the safety of the society also provides the security practitioners to develop their agenda, implement it and quantify the initiatives taken by the social crime deterrence activities. The data of these criminal related activities need to be precise and very accurate as it helps the lawmakers, stakeholders, crime prevention authorities, defence-related forces etc. to function on the basis of their records. If these records have the minutest flaw it will eventually damage the productivity and can cause an inappropriate action towards the crime issues. Furthermore, in the year 2006, the British Home Office scrutinized the United Kingdoms crime records for the following reason: it was observed that the people had lost faith in the British Home office for its inefficiency and for not being able to produce qualitative results. Their productivity has backfired drastically so as that it is no more possible to h ave an argument on the other criminal justice related laws. The trend in crime has changed and variations need to be made. The home secretary condemns this and therefore wants the policies to be made in such a manner that the level of productivity increases and hence the trust of the people is redeemed. (Crime Hub) Thus without having precise criminal records, data and statistics the result of the policies that govern this system is pretty useless. One should not completely rely on this criminal records as alone they cant give the answers but eventually they do help and look after them within the city and outside the city crime activities and give initiatives to develop prevention to such crimes. The crime data obtained is used for various things and serves a lot of purposes. The major work of the acquired criminal data is used by law enforcing agencies I order to form budgets, plan, allot various resources, and scrutinizing various police operational activities.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Gay Marriage Opinion Essay Example for Free

Gay Marriage Opinion Essay Mainwaring goes on to argue that because â€Å"Only a little more than 53%† of the signers were Republican, and the rest an assortment of parties, gay marriage is a â€Å"common, mainstream concern†, to be shared among citizens of all backgrounds. Mainwaring defends the signers of this petition, stating that because they signed an anti-gay marriage petition, their actions cannot be chalked up to homophobic motives. He says that â€Å"the vast majority simply view ‘marriage’ as an immutable term that can only apple to heterosexuals†, and that â€Å"’we’ shouldn’t mess with [the term marriage]†. I mentioned before that Mainwaring’s opinion on this topic is considerably unique. This is because he himself is, in fact, gay. It was not only the fact that Mainwaring decided to mention this, but also the juxtaposition of this statement that was mildly infuriating to me. To me, placing the fact that he is gay directly after his statements defending the people who signed the petition is a bit like an African-American saying â€Å"I think blacks should be subject to a lower standard of living than whites†¦and it’s okay for me to think this because I’m black! If a black person were to say this today, this would be considered socially unacceptable from nearly every person in this country, and it should be the same for Mainwaring and all other gays. It’s extremely difficult for me to even begin to wrap my head around how Mainwaring can even have this opinion. How he can blatantly undermine the oppressed minority he has categorized himself into, simply because â€Å"we should not attempt to force into an old construct something that was never meant for same-sex partnerships† is appalling. Mainwaring believes that simply because the term â€Å"marriage† has meant one thing for the past two hundred years, it simply cannot be open to interpretation, like many other dated laws. So many different sections of the constitution have been twisted and bent toward various opinions, just as the following should be. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The argument that Mainwaring is trying to make is ill-supported and weak. It is less credible that the late 1920’s â€Å"Separate but Equal† mantra, considering civil unions, which Mainwaring proposes for gays, are in no way even close to being equal to a â€Å"traditional† marriage. Before the Civil Rights Movement, many people were raised to believe that blacks were meant to be inferior. However, as awareness arose, people began to realize that this simply is not true; under the eyes of the law, there should be virtually no difference between a black person and a white person. Likewise, there should be no difference between a gay or a straight couple. A civil union is in no way a reasonable alternative for gays, and if us as Americans were to make that statement the new â€Å"traditional†, there one day in the future may be no limits on the term â€Å"marriage†.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Enhancements of IC Engines in Real-world Conditions

Enhancements of IC Engines in Real-world Conditions   Aatif Shaik, Aditya Upadhyaya R, Gowtham,  K N, Sachin B N Abstract – Optimizing engine performance of IC Engines is a very shady field. Other than reputed companies Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), who publish their reports, the rest of the industry does not throw much light into aftermarket modification field. As an end-user, a customer wanting to optimize his vehicle in terms of power, mileage usability is often mislead into buying products modifying his automobile that will produce no useful gains. This mini-project will be done on 2-wheeler motorcycles ranging from 150cc-350cc. It aims at bridging the gap between the products and the end-user’s knowledge of it. It will take on many such optimizing/modifying techniques, such as installing air-filters, spark plugs, exhaust systems, engine oils etc., and try to demystify what is actually happening there for the use of the said end-user. This mini-project will involve testing of various parameters of an engine, such as Brake Horse Power, Torque, Exhaust Emissions, Inlet Manifold Pressure etc., of a completely stock Engine. It is again tested after modifications for the same parameters. The results are then compared to give an outline of the effect of the modification. Each modification is done separately for the results to be completely independent of each other. All of the tests are conducted in real-world conditions, so as to ensure the reliability of the result. The final report (end of the project work) will give a much needed clarity on the modifications; will also comment on the safety of using such techniques and its cost effectiveness for the end-user. Market Situation – In a stock motorcycle (factory-made, unmodified), it is so designed that the whole system is as generic as possible. That is, it is supposed to be appropriate for a wide-band of end-users. Taking this line, the manufacturers tune down most of the engine parameters in favour of mileage fuel efficiency, as these are the two major parameters that an end-user looks while buying the automobile. As time passes, the user, who now is accustomed to the automobile, might feel the need to enhance and optimize his automobile. He therefore researches about all the modifications that he can do to his automobiles, so as to increase the performance and efficiency. Parameters for testing – Power produced (at the wheels) Torque produced (at the wheels) Fuel efficiency These parameters were chosen because of the following reasons – Power produced at the wheel was taken, instead of engine power, because this gives an accurate idea of how the motorcycle will perform in the real world. It also includes the losses that will occur due to external conditions, and therefore will give a realistic feel to the test. Torque produced at the wheel was taken, instead of engine torque, because of the same reasons as above, that is, it will give an accurate idea of performance in the real world. Fuel efficiency is an obvious factor and a parameter to be considered, as most endusers will ultimately look at this for their decisions. It gives an indication of how well the engine is taking the modifications and will also represent whether the modification done is cost-effective or not. Specifications of modifications used – Results – Air filter modification For load testing, there is a 1.11sec difference in acceleration timings, in partial load conditions. Whereas, there is a 1.24sec difference in acceleration timings with full load condition. In both cases, the modified motorcycle’s timings were better. For the crispness of throttle, it was seen that the modified setup has a better crispness than the stock setup. For initial fuel efficiency, it was seen that the stock setup fared better than the modified setup. For the cold starting test, it was seen that there is no difference between stock and modified setup. Dyno test Synthetic Oil modification – For load testing, there is a 2.25sec difference in acceleration timings, in partial load conditions. Whereas, there is a 2.17sec difference in acceleration timings with full load condition. In both cases, the modified motorcycle’s timings were better. For the crispness of throttle, it was seen that the modified setup has a relatively better crispness than the stock setup. For initial fuel efficiency, it was seen that the stock setup fared better than the modified setup. For the cold starting test, the stock setup fared badly, whereas the modified setup. Dyno Test – Exhaust Muffler modification For load testing, there is a 2.1sec difference in acceleration timings, in partial load conditions. Whereas, there is a 1.65sec difference in acceleration timings with full load condition. In both cases, the modified motorcycle’s timings were better. For the crispness of throttle, it was seen that the modified setup has an extremely good crispness when compared to the stock setup. For initial fuel efficiency, it was seen that the stock setup fared better than the modified setup. For the cold starting test, it was seen that there is no difference between stock and modified setup. Dyno Test – Discussions – Air Filter – The modified setup performed better than the stock setup, because of the extra amount of air going into the engine cylinder. This allowed the fuelinjected to calibrate and add more fuel to the air-fuel mixture, thereby gaining power. In the modified setup, as there is no restriction, aside from the filter material, the engine was free to suck air to its maximum capabilities, allowing the fuel-injection system to inject more fuel, thereby increasing power and torque. This is seen as the constant increase throughout the power-band. The crispness of throttle was better in modified setup because the lesser obstruction in the intake system, which allowed air to be sucked in freely. Cold-starting was not affected because of the fuel-injected system, which automatically calibrates the appropriate amount of fuel to be injected in all conditions. Synthetic Oil – The modified setup performed better than the stock setup, as the synthetic oil gives better lubrication than the stock setup. This is due to the inherent nature of the synthetic oil, which provides better lubrication and wear-resistance throughout all temperatures with respect to stock mineral oil. The crispness of throttle was better in modified setup because the lesser friction, which allowed that engine to rev freely and quickly. Due to greater lubrication, lesser friction was present, thus minimizing friction losses, which attributed to the higher power and torque output in the modified setup. Cold-starting was better in modified setup, as the inherent nature of the oil made less viscous allowing it to start freely and quickly, compared to stock setup. The synthetic oil also kept the engine temperature lower than the stock setup, thus further helping it to work efficiently. Exhaust Muffler – The modified setup performed better than the stock setup, as the free-flow exhaust muffler allowed the exhaust gases to flow out more freely than the stock setup. This allowed the piston to have lesser load on it to push the gases out, therefore giving a higher power and torque output. This can be seen in the consistent increase in power and torque from 3500rpm. As the load on the piston decreased, the engine was allowed rotate freely, thus giving it a more free nature, whereas the stock setup constricted the engine very much. The crispness of throttle was better in modified setup, because of the free flowing gases in the exhaust system, which allowed that engine to push more and more gases out for the same rpm. Cold-starting was not much different compared to stock setup, as the starting depended on initial air-fuel mixture temperature, which doesn’t get affected by this modification. Final Conclusion – It depends on the end-user on whether he wants to do certain modifications. From the results and discussions, we can see a general increase in performance for all the modifications used, provided those are done under correct procedures. These results were fairly satisfying, and also laid to rest some of the general misconceptions that were attached to such modifications. Apart from power enhancing, the mini-project also tried to bridge the gap between the aftermarket modifications and the customer’s knowledge of it. Dealing with how the actual results of how a modification might work-out and whether their claims were correct. It is concluded that the manufacturer’s claims of increasing power and performance which are indeed true, But the manufacturer also claims increase in mileage which is not true since it comes with of a small drop of mileage. If the end-user can adjust with the drop, then they can find the modifications useful. References Effect of Intake air filter condition on vehicle fuel economy. By Kevin Norman, Shean Huff, Brian West United States Department of Energy. Synthetics vs Mineral Oils By A Jackson Exhaust Tuning on 4 stroke Engine; experimentation simulation By Gordon P Blair, D.O Mackey , G.F Chatfield Society of Automobile Engineers Internal Combustion Engines MIT Open Courseware Professor. Wai Cheng

Advantages and Disadvantages of Chromium Complexes

Advantages and Disadvantages of Chromium Complexes Chromium is one of the transition metal in periodic table that is known for its ability in improving one’s health condition by preventing diseases and gives treatment. However in human body, only very small amounts of chromium are required and they are often regarded as the essential trace element in human body. Back in 1950s, the uses of chromium as nutritional and medical enhancement to glucose metabolism was started when brewer’s yeast was suggested to contain a glucose tolerance factor (GTF) that prevented diabetes in experimental animals. (Schwarz k, Mertz W, 1959). It was only then this factor finally taken into consideration to be a biologically active form of trivalent chromium that could substantially lower the plasma glucose levels in diabetic mice based on studied done by Tuman RW and Doisy RJ in 1977. According to Fernando Guerrero and Martha Rodriguez-Moran, 2005, trivalent chromium (Cr3+) is an essential trace element required for the maintenance of normal glucose and fat metabolism. Because chromium potentiates the action of insulin, it was named from its recognition in the late 1950s as the glucose tolerance factor term that emphasizes its importance in glucose metabolism. Chromium is present in many foods, especially in liver, Brewer’s yeast, American cheese, w heat germ, vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, broccoli, and spinach, and is also present in alfalfa, brown sugar, molasses, dried beans, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, and animal fats. An organically dynamic type of chromium takes part in glucose digestion system by improving the impacts of insulin. Insulin is produced by particular cells in the pancreas in light of increasing blood glucose levels, for example, after eating. Insulin binds to insulin receptors on the surface of cells, which actuates the receptors and invigorates glucose uptake by cells. Blood glucose levels are prevented from being elevated when insullin interact with insulin receptors whereby insulin will provides cells with glucose. Apart from affecting carbohydrate (glucose) metabolism, metabolism of fat and protein is also influnced by insulin. Impaired glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes which is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus may occur as the consequences of decrease response to insulin or decreased insulin sensitivity. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by elevated blood glucose levels and insulin resistance. The precise structure of the biologically active form of chromium is not known. Recent research suggests that a low-molecular-weight chromium-binding substance (LMWCr) may enhance the response of the insulin receptor to insulin. The following is a proposed model for the effect of chromium on insulin action. First, the inactive form of the insulin receptor is converted to the active form by binding insulin. The binding of insulin by the insulin receptor stimulates the movement of chromium into the cell and results in binding of chromium to apoLMWCr, a form of the LMWCr that lacks chromium. Once it binds chromium, the LMWCr binds to the insulin receptor and enhances its tyrosine kinase activity. The ability of the LMWCr to activate the insulin receptor is dependent on its chromium content. The LMWCr may be released from the cell in order to terminate its effects when insulin levels drop due to normalization of blood glucose levels. More recent studies have indicated that chromium enhances insulin action by increasing the insulin-stimulated translocation of glucose transporters to the cell membrane (Chen G, Liu P, Pattar GR, et al, 2006). Apart from type 2 diabetes, effects of chromium supplementation on gestational diabetes had also been examined. Gestational diabetes occurs in about 2% of pregnant women and usually appears in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Adverse effects on the developing fetus must be prevent by tightly control the blood glucose levels in the body. Glucose tolerance usually turns back to normal after delivery. However, according to study, 30% to 40% of women who have had gestational diabetes develop type 2 diabetes within 5 to 10 years. An observational study in pregnant women did not find serum chromium levels to be associated with measures of glucose tolerance or insulin resistance in late pregnancy, although serum chromium levels may not reflect tissue chromium levels. Women with gestational diabetes whose diets were supplemented with 4 mcg of chromium per kilogram of body weight daily as chromium picolinate for eight weeks had decreased fasting blood glucose and insulin levels com pared with those who took a placebo. However, insulin therapy rather than chromium picolinate was required to normalize severely elevated blood glucose levels. Trivalent compounds (Cr III) do not cause any serious damage to body tissue, in fact, it is an important component of a balanced human and animal diet and its deficiency is detrimental to the glucose and lipid metabolism in mammals. The limitation of chromium in its application in human health is that it may cause different side effect to different person. The controversy surrounding chromium supplementation is due to the variability of the results gain from the evaluation of the effect of chromium in patients with diabetes and without diabetes. Some of them experienced positive improvement but some are only indicate little or no benefit at all. Most of the concerns regarding the long-term safety of chromium supplementation arise from several studies in cell culture, suggesting chromium (III), especially in the form of chromium picolinate, may increase DNA damage. Several studies have demonstrated the safety of daily doses of up to 1,000 mcg of chromium for several months. However, t here have been a few isolated reports of serious adverse reactions to chromium picolinate. Kidney failure was reported five months after a six-week course of 600 mcg of chromium/day in the form of chromium picolinate, while kidney failure and impaired liver function were reported after the use of 1,200-2,400 mcg/day of chromium in the form of chromium picolinate over a period of four to five months. Individuals with pre-existing kidney or liver disease may be at increased risk of adverse effects and should limit supplemental chromium intake. In addition, the use of the supplements of chromium over a prolonged period of time may result in a risk of chromium poisoning. This is due to chromium’s nuclear affinity, tending to result in its accumulation within cells. High doses of chromium which is about 600-2400 ÃŽ ¼g will makes rare side effects may occur such as damage to the liver, kidney, and bone marrow as well as rhabdomyolysis and psychiatric disturbances in some cases. The y have also been related to chromosomal damage and increased incidence of cervical arch defects as they are capable of cleaving DNA. Similar complex coumpound with Chromium Chromium vs vandium and zinc Apart of chromium, other transition metal that is found to have ability to be used as anti diabetic agent is vanadium and zinc. More than 2 8% of world’s population is suffering from diabetes (Wild et al., 2004). It is a condition in which body do not produce a hormone called insulin which is necessary for the absorption of glucose in cells (Rother, 2007). Scientists are looking for alternative approaches for the treatment of diabetes (Nahas et al., 2009). The glucose level in the blood plasma is controlled by uses of vanadium and zinc in form of inorganic salts. Research shows that undesireable side effets often associated with the elements that are poorly absorbed in their organic forms and required high doses. Research has been conducted to prove that vanadium complexes with organic ligands to be less toxic with improved solubility and lipophilicity. Thera are a few number of vanadium complex which posses the insulin-mimetic properties that have been produced. The molecular mechanism responsible for the insulin-like effects of vanadium compounds have been shown to involve the activation of several key components of insulin-signaling pathways. It is interesting that the vanadium effect on these signaling systems is independent of insulin receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity, but it is associated with enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate. Chromium supplementation significantly improved glycemia among patients with diabetes but do not show any significant effect on glucose metabolism in healthy individuals. Higher zinc intake has also been associated with a slightly lower risk of type 2 diabetes in women. Besides chromium and vanadium, there is also a strong connection between zinc and insulin. In fact, people with diabetes frequently have lower levels of zinc than those without diabetes. One reason for this is that diabetics tend to have increased excretion of zinc. Additionally, high blood sugar levels create significant oxidative stress. The use of antioxidants has been shown to help improve oxidation, while also enhancing the body’s response to insulin. Unfortunately, the risk of cardiovascular disease among diabetics is more difficult to address. Coronary heart disease is a major cause of death among people with type 2 diabetes. This, of course, is due in large part to obesity, but also to risk factors such as high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol levels, and an imbalanced ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol. Like chromium and vanadium, the body also can’t make zinc, so it must be taken from food sources. Zinc is stored in the muscles, blood cells, retina of the eye , skin, bone, kidney, liver, pancreas, and in men, prostate. Interestingly, zinc has long been an ingredient used in â€Å"older† insulins, such as Regular, NPH, and Lente. Zinc is also necessary for the formation of insulin in the pancreas’s beta cells. For these reasons, researchers have looked at the role of zinc supplementation in the prevention and treatment of Type 2 diabetes. Research shows that zinc, an essential trace element responsible for over 300 enzyme functions, can aid in normalizing the negative effects of diabetes mellitus. According to the study, zinc has been shown to mitigate the harmful effects of diabetes by improving glycemic control in type I and type II diabetes. Many of the enzyme systems in which zinc is a necessity for are involved with the metabolism of blood sugar, and therefore make zinc a natural catalyst for insulin secretion. The pancreas is an endocrine gland responsible for producing hormones like glucagon, somatostatin, and insulin. The beta cells that secrete insulin in the pancreas are also highly stored with zinc. The beta cells will suffer without the high concentrations of zinc. Fortunately, beta cells are equipped with their own special transporter called zinc transporter 8, which makes it easy for the beta cells to store the zinc. However, it is known that any metamorphosis of the genes in the zinc transporter 8 causes type 2 diabetes. It is also now known that antibodies against the zinc transporter are present in type 1 diabetic patients, which means that these antibodies are associated with type 1 diabetes. It is no wonder why zinc is as popular as it is for supplementation. In addition to mending the difficulties brought on by diabetes, zinc also serves to maintain a healthy immune system, controls hair loss, halts impotence, improves brain function, prevents loss of taste or smell, and much more. References Guerrero-Romero, F.; Rodrà ­guez-Morà ¡n, M. (2005). Complementary Therapies for Diabetes: The Case for Chromium, Magnesium, and Antioxidants. Archives of Medical Research 36 (3): 250–257 Massey, P. (2013). Diabetes and the Role of Dietary Supplements. Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Diabetes. pp. 17–94. Schwarz K, Mertz W: Chromium (III) and the glucose tolerance factor. Arch Biochem Biophys 85: 292–295, 1959 Tuman RW, Doisy RJ: Metabolic effects of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) in normal and genetically diabetic mice. Diabetes 26:820–826, 1977 Vincent JB. Elucidating a biological role for chromium at a molecular level. Acc Chem Res. 2000;33(7):503-510. Chen G, Liu P, Pattar GR, et al. Chromium activates glucose transporter 4 trafficking and enhances insulin-stimulated glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes via a cholesterol-dependent mechanism. Mol Endocrinol. 2006;20(4):857-870. Pattar GR, Tackett L, Liu P, Elmendorf JS. Chromium picolinate positively influences the glucose transporter system via affecting cholesterol homeostasis in adipocytes cultured under hyperglycemic diabetic conditions. Mutat Res. 2006;610(1-2):93-100 Wang H, Kruszewski A, Brautigan DL. Cellular chromium enhances activation of insulin receptor kinase. Biochemistry. 2005;44(22):8167-8175.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Project Planning and Control Methods Essay -- Projects Management Prod

Project Planning and Control Methods Project planning and control methods came to be in the 1980s with the introduction of microcomputer software. In the 1990s project management was accepted into the mainstream business as a means for developing new products and services. In the 20th century project management appears to be the solution to many of the challenges confronting global business enterprises (Gray, C. & Larson, E., 2003). Trends such as the globalization of business operations increase in mega mergers and acquisitions, increased focus on results, need for speed in delivery, and pressure for accountability have fueled a growth in project management activities across the organization. Traditional organizations are undergoing significant changes, which are being driven by the advances that information technology is bringing to the business world (Gray, C. & Larson, E., 2003). Project management must include management of product life cycle. Gray and Larson states that the shortening of the product life cycle is perhaps the most enormous force driving changes in the process of managing projects. The average life cycle of all products 50 years ago was in the neighborhood of 15 to 20 years. Now it is estimated that the life cycle for all products is three years. High-technology firm executives estimate that the average life cycle of products to be six months. Short life-cycles increase the number of projects an organization will have to handle simultaneously. A new product creates a need for a new project. Once the product life cycle ends, it is up to the project team to help bring the company up to date with ideas and concepts. Improved knowledge and technology support innovation and innovation results in new projects. Global competition has reached all parts of the world. Surviving and being successful in harsh competition intensifies the need for sustained innovation and process improvements (Gray, C. & Larson, E., 2003). Organizations have to be leaders in innovation and process improvement to win the competition. Organizations are adapting to support more effective project management as projects become the focal point of businesses. The more successful organizations of the future will be the ones that support flexibility, places high importance on projects, and maintain a sustained effort by members to... ...ey times * Have a clear agenda and document actions * Focus on team member similarities * Communicate regularly * Give performance feedback Because leaders/managers can not see team members, it is easy to forget that people are working in context that are different and that they might have different support needs, resources, and demands. There exists a wide array of challenges involving project management with members of a different ethnic or cultural background. Environmental, political, legal, economic, and cultural differences can act as barriers towards completing projects. Due to these factors, it becomes extremely important for the project manager to step in and make an assessment of its team member’s ability to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries. A look into past performance reviews as to how well they work within a team constraint and possible work issues with other employees, should information on potential conflicts that may arise. Project managers should never just look at skill-set as the determining factor in putting together a team, because other intangibles may outweigh an individual’s ability to handle the project.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Desire of Escape :: Essays Paper

Desire of Escape In Dubliners, James Joyce tells short stories of individuals struggling with life, in the city of Dublin. â€Å"It is a long road that has no turning† (Irish Proverb). Many individuals fight the battle and continue on the road. However, some give up and get left behind. Those who continue to fight the battle, often deal with constant struggle and suffering. A reoccurring theme, in which Joyce places strong emphasis on, is the constant struggle of fulfilling responsibilities. These responsibilities include; work, family and social expectations. Joyce writes about these themes because characters often feel trapped and yearn to escape from these responsibilities. In â€Å"The Little Cloud†, â€Å"Counterparts†, and â€Å"The Dead† characters are often trapped in unhappy living situations, often leading to a desire of escape from reality and daily responsibilities. In Dubliners, characters feel trapped in work related issues, which ultimatly results in unhappiness. In the story â€Å"Counterparts†, Farrington is unhappy with his job. Working as a copy clerk, does not provide Farrington with proper satisfaction. The mistreatment he receives from his boss, makes his job worse. Mr. Alleyne screams, â€Å"you have always some excuse or another for shirking work. Let me tell you that if that contract is not copied before this evening I’ll lay the matter before Mr. Crosbie... Do you hear me now?† (83). Farringtons boss is strict and demeaning. Feelings of worthlessness are quite evident. One might argue that Farrington abuses alcohol as a way to escape his work responsibilities. He does this by engaging in constant stops at the pub during his work day. â€Å"It’s alright Mr. Shelley, said the man, pointing with his finger to indicate the objective of his journey† (84). A similar type of entrapment in work, is also evident in the story, â€Å"A Little Cloud†. Chandler strives to be as successful as his old time friend, Gallagher. He constantly compares his job to that of Gallagher. Feelings of worthlessness take over, causing Chandler to be unhappy, contemplating ways to escape his reality. Chandler wishes he could be as successful as Ignatius Gallaher. He states, â€Å" There was always a certain... something in Ignatius Gallaher that impressed you in spite of yourself† (67). Constantly comparing his job, to that of Gallaher, Chandler becomes more depressed.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mid Term Essay

I affirm that the attached work is entirely my own, except where the words or ideas of other writers are specifically acknowledged according to accepted citation conventions. This assignment has not been submitted for any other course at Robert Kennedy College or any other institution. I have revised, edited and proofread this paper. I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and fully disclosed in this paper (examination). I have also cited any sources (footnotes or endnotes) from which I used data, ideas, theories, or words, whether quoted directly or paraphrased. I further acknowledge that this paper has been prepared by me specifically for this course. MIDTERM ASSESSMENT Q1. 70 Points Understanding Human Behavior is critical to organizations – discuss the benefits of self evaluation/self assessment as it relates to leaders today. Q2. 30 Points: Prejudice can be hurtful and destructive – discuss how you can personally reduce prejudice in your workplace – please provide an example. Understanding Human Behavior is critical to organizations – discuss the benefits of self evaluation/self assessment as it relates to leaders today. As the world is becoming more dependent on electronic gadgets, its becomes more difficult to have a face to face discussion or contacts with the people we work with. These have made it more important to understand the behavior of the people we work with and more critical to any manager that wants to be successful in his organization. For a leader to fully understand Human behavior, that person need to first do what is called self assessment. † being self aware allows one to recognize and improve their strength and weakness in order to maximize their leadership[ potential† Discovering your Authentic Leadership, Harvard Business Review February 2007 page 3 Human behaviors are must predictable if one have taken time to sturdy another person. In organizational Behavior 15th edition by Stephen and Timothy page 11 â€Å"Behavior is generally predictable and the systematic study of behavior is a means to making reasonable accurate predictions† Self evaluation is a major factor towards becoming a good leader, because this evolves looking at oneself so that all aspect that is important are identified and evaluated. As a leader you need to know your capacity and ability. The oxford dictionary defines self assessment as an evaluation of oneself or actions, altitudes or performance. As the definition implies there are several ways that a leader can evaluate his or her performance. In Harvard Business review of 2007 with the title discovering your Authentic leadership page 5 eight key questions are asked, and this I believe if well understood can benefit a leader today. And help to develop a better self evaluation mechanism. The people and experience in your early life have a great impact on an individual, As a leader knowing where your coming from is very important and this makes you to compare note to with were you want to be in the future. Self evaluation will help you know if progress is being made and were more efforts are required. As a modern leader you need to be systematic in your assessment, without over overrating your skills, this can be done through your pears subordinates by way of asking questions that brings out the honest answers from them. Arrogance should not have a part in these for your survival depends on their honest response. Every leader most have values, HBR in discovering you Authentic leadership page 4 says â€Å"The value that forms the basis for Authentic leadership are derived from your beliefs and convictions, but you will not know what your true values are until they are tested under pressure† must time people say† Nothing will ever make me change my mind â€Å"only to shift ground when much pressure are mounted on us, In other wars pressure is what refines our true vales, and when self evaluation is applied the value that you have or come out with unshaken is your true value. A leader is also motivated to act by one action or the other, self assessment will help you to know your motivation, does it come from the inside or the outside? Knowing the answers will help you to discover yourself. Most people waste there life leaving a programmed life, and not having satisfaction, only when they do things out of motivation will they truly be happy. You’re Family, friends, workmates and neighbors all reflect the kind of a leader one is so in the process of self assessments one needs to evaluate all to be sure whether the right set of people are what he has around him. Success is a team work; we are all interdependent on each other. Another area of leadership self awareness is on consistence, Do I double speck? A leader should be known as one who is constant in all situations that confronts him, and make sure everyone within the organization is carried along on most activities. A leader should assess his personality to see if he owns up to his mistake, leaders are human, they make mistakes and should accept correction. Leaders need to make out time for themselves and family. Having done a proper self assessment as a leader am ever more determined to develop a system and process were talented people are attracted and aligned to be future leaders. â€Å"No individual achievement can equal the pleasure of leading a group of people to achieve a worthy goal. When you cross the finish line together, all pain and suffering you may have experienced quickly vanishes† HBR discovering you authentic leadership page 8. In conclusion every leader must do some kind of self assessment periodically for improvement; this in true reflects in the person the quality of a good leader. Q2. Prejudice can be hurtful and destructive – discuss how you can personally reduce prejudice in your workplace – please provide an example. â€Å"All human being are born free and equal in dignity and right, they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood†. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human right. Despite this well articulated statement, Prejudice is still a universal problem, we all are prejudiced in one way or the other, but for us to be good leaders we all need to work hard in other to reduce prejudice in our work place. As a step towards reducing prejudice one has to acknowledge that it really exists. It is only when we accept it existence can we start to discuss way to end or reduce prejudice. â€Å"Prejudgment becomes prejudice only if they are not reversible when exposed to new knowledge† says the book the Nature of prejudice. And only the type of contacts that lead people together is likely to result in changed attitudes. According to the report UNISCO against Racism â€Å"education could be a precious tool in the struggle against new form of racism, discrimination and exclusion† having this fine idea before us should make us more aware of our responsibilities. The book Understanding Prejudice and discrimination says. â€Å"Perhaps they must important conclusions to emerge from prejudice research are 1. No one capable of human thoughts and speech is immune from harboring prejudice. It often takes deliberate effort and awareness to reduce prejudice and 3. With sufficient motivation it can be done† As a business owner I have I have synchronized the research work into my working environments. And this have reduced Prejudice in our organization, My country Nigeria is a multi ethnic and culturally diversified nation with more than three hundred ethnic groups. Must time working with people of different ethnic groups can be challenging if once does not do away with his pre conceived thoughts about another tribe. As an IGBO specking person I have come not to think that any other tribe is inferior to mine. So during recruitment we do not discriminate or apply mono-ethnic sentiments, rather we appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of our individuality. So everybody who performs well is given the opportunity to work with us. I have also made sure that each project team is not mono-ethnic; so that they can all learn from their diversity and this have really reduce the level of prejudice in our work place. I have notice a staff who was once very prejudiced about an individual from another ethnic group being good friends after they worked together on a project for a period of time, when I asked about his the new closeness and friendship with the person he was once prejudiced about he simple replied â€Å"ignorance can kill†. This was because by working with the individual as project team member he came to realize that the person has a very good principle and very hardworking too against what he previously thought.

Theme of Pastoralism in Shakespeare’s as You Like It

William Shakespe bes As You the want It is plausibly cardinal of the most famous eclogue comedies of both times. Written around 1599 and produce in 1623, its plot was derived from Thomas bides pastoral romance Rosalynde. plainly what is interesting ab baffle this play is how Shakespe be, victimization the features and tropes of a pastoral comedy, undercuts the creative thinker of the pastoral. The pastoral, as a genre, can be acquit to retain had its beginnings with Theocritus Idylls. Other nonable whole kit in this genre are Virgils Eclogues and Longus Daphnis and Chloe. Artificiality and lack of realism are the mind characteristics of this tradition.When the Elizabethans wrote in this tradition, they more or less(prenominal) followed the set up conventions. The shepherds with which they tidy sumd their awkward adorn were metaphors for amorous lovers, scholar-poets and aristocrats in exile. These poets gave the primacy to butterflyiers who led a shepherd- d esire existence or merely set the agricultural environ workforcet as a background to the amours of shepherds and shepherdesses who in their love-behaviour resembled the refined noble-men of the judiciary. As You Like It as surface as has these love-lorn figures in characters much(prenominal) as Silvius and Phebe.Yet, it can be distinctly reassuren from their marginalized status in the play that Shakespeare has understandably de picked from the convention of pastoralisation of the head-mannered heap. 1. The people in Shakespeares pastoral are not the dainty shepherds and shepherdesses of the g anileen human. They are uneducated, plain-spoken, not much concerned with romance, verse and etiquette. The reason for this far- away(p)-from-reality portrayal of the country people in pastoral romances and poetry was the incident that the authors/poets were a part of a row belonging to the t throw and act.Their anxieties and pre-occupations with their own socio-politico-economi c conditions necessitated the plait of an idyllic space, free from tout ensemble the troubles and tensions. And it was to take this need to flying that they created an to the highest degree Eden- exchangeable rural humankind. The pastoral, t presentfore, became one of the literary forms best expensey for an expression of disgust with the court of law and an grasp for the simple pleasures of the country. 2. They say he is already in the afforest of Arden, and many a merry men with him and there they fit like the old Robin street fighter of England.They say many young gentlemen potty to him every day, and fleet the time rakishly as they did in the golden humanity, says Charles in travel 1, picture 1 of the play. This sure raises our expectations rough the timberland of Arden as a grade where life history is like a never- peculiaritying holiday. In Act 2, Scene 1, Duke Senior also describes the woodwind instrument as a moorage where he finds unsloped in everyt hing and compares it to the Garden of Eden. plainly in the very identical dialogue, he refers to the icy fang/ And sour c hide of the spends wind. This brings to our notice the less-than-perfect temper of life in Arden.Even when away from the strifes of courtly life, the courtiers and the duke have to bear the penalty of ex. Each of the character that enters the quality of Arden considers it as a refuge from the iniquity, restriction, oppression and turpitude of the life at court. Rosalind and Celia run away from the court to escape the patriarchal supremacy of the tyrant Duke Frederick. Orlando and Adam come to the tone in search of a clean life away from the in notwithstandingice meted out to him by his own pal. Duke Senior and his courtiers roost in the woodwind instrument as exiles, having been wronged at the hands of Duke Frederick.But purge here Shakespeare inverts this purpose by giving each one of them their percentage of trials and tribulations. It certainl y is not an escape into a utopian world as we would like it to be. Each of them reaches the Forest in a arouse of physical enfeeblement and it is not the end of their troubles, what with hunger, extreme last conditions and struggle for survival staring them in the face. The play also deals with the idea of old world- bleakfound world order and uses pastoral as a medium to resolve expert socio-political problems.The fellowship at this point in time was in a state of flux and the aristocracy came to be change integrity into 2 categories One that still set much store by the notions of short letter lineage, loyalty and a golden, feudal society where everyone knows his place and the other that adopted the Machiavellian idea of rampant individualism and f on the whole upon of power for selfish purposes. Shakespeare presents this split in the society in terms of familial conflict between Oliver and Orlando & Duke Senior and Duke Frederick.In denying Orlando his share in his fath ers fortune and mistreating Adam, Oliver violates the moral integrity of the tralatitious order which required the victor to fulfil the patriarchal commitment of ensuring a harmonious fellowly order on his estate. Sir Rowland de Boys is depicted as the epitome of the perfect lord. By virtue of world morally akin to his father, Orlando is loved by everyone. He embodies traditional values of the old feudal order, the antique world. Oliver, being all that his father was not is spokesperson of the new world order.Duke Frederick, similarly, is put in the identical moral category when he says, The world esteemed Sir Rowland honourable/But I did find him still mine enemy. not exactly this, he is an anomaly in the law of primogeniture because he overthrows the just inheritor, Duke Senior, who also loves Sir Rowland and thusly we hold him in the same light as Orlando. Oliver violates moral law, Duke Frederick violates friendly law. It is in the Forest of Aden that this violati on is rectify and we see the ultimate re-uniting of the Orlando and Oliver when the wronged younger brother saves the life of the very elder brother who had plotted to kill him.And it is after unveiling the Forest that Duke Frederick realises his folly in usurping the rightful aim of his brother and Duke Senior is thus reinstated as the king. The Forest, more importantly the idea of countryside, then works as a place which provides resolution to the conflicts and restores harmony. There is a constant contrast being cadaverous between the court and the country in the play which undoubtedly presents the country as a better and superior alternative.The dismiss by the characters into the Forest of Arden is seen as a den into nature where they are physically and spiritually rejuvenated. It is also a computer address of learning for the Duke Senior, for he Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks/Sermons in stones, and good in everything. Their stay in the Forest re-ins tils a ace of confidence in them and they also acquire a stop of self-knowledge. But in spite of this glory of the country we do not see even one character that tout ensemble identifies with it.The pastoral is just a acting(prenominal) refuge and never a unchanging haven. As short as the familial and social conflicts are resolved, the inhabitants reach the place about which they had eulogised. In Act 1, Scene 1, talking to Adam about Olivers unjust behaviour towards him, Orlando describes his gentility against the everydayness of the country people. In saying You have trained me like a peasant, obscuring and hiding from me all gentleman-like qualities, Orlando gives vent to an inherent prejudice against the country folks as merciless people.Even when in the Forest, Orlando thinks of the country dwellers as incapable of any civility and the prejudice in him remains intact when he says I thought that all things had been savage here. Duke Senior refers to his days at court as better days with an unmixed sense of nostalgia in the same purview and draws a contrast between the great life at court and the almost anarchical existence in the Forest when he recalls the holy bell that knolled to perform/ And when he sat at good mens feasts. This distinction between the court and country is brought out most tellingly in the characters of Touchstone and Corin.Touchstones interpretation of himself as a courtier not only parodies the courtiers and their ways but also provides a contrast with the simplicity of Corin, representative of the rural fraternity. We notice a misplaced sense of elitism and superiority seeping in in the behaviour of Touchstone as soon as he enters the Forest when he calls out to Corin as you clown in Act 2, Scene 5 and refers to himself as his betters. The conversation between the two in Act 3, Scene 2 shows the oscitance fissures that separated the two classes and precluded any chance of a democratic exchange of ideas. 3.Touchstone s answer to Corins inquiry about his feelings for shepherd life underlines the conventions of the pastoral life- Truly, shepherd, in respect of itself it is a good life but in respect that it is a shepherds life, it is naught. In respect that it is solitary, I like it very well but in respect that it is private, it is a very anxious life. Now, in respect it is in the fields, it pleaseth me well but in respect it is not in the court, it is tedious. Corin himself continues this realistic tone when he points out the obvious differences between life in the court and life in the country.The best truce between the two diametrically opposite worlds comes in Corins sagacious analysis- Those that are good dexterity at the court are as ridiculous in the country as the behaviour of the country is most mockable at the court thus sanctioning that one place is not necessarily better than the other, just different. The family that the court people establish with the Forest and the forest-dwel lers is almost exploitative in nature. Despite being away from the court physically, they can never really leave behind the court mannerisms and prejudices.We see a new court order being established in the Forest. The Duke and his courtiers are refugees in the forest, but still they become tyrants and usurpers of the place rightfully belonging to the inhabitants. They kill the animals, the natives i. e. , for their own convenience and pleasure. Broken feudal loyalties are strengthened when Duke Sr. jibes Orlando and recognises him to be the son of his favourite, Sir Rowland. We see the creation of a social hierarchy when Rosalind and Celia, by virtue of their socio-economic position in the society, enter into a bloodline arrangement with Corin and offer to buy his land. Although, he is a native of the Forest and should be economically prosperous, going by the conventions of the pastoral, we are informed that he does not even shear the fleeces he grazes and is servant to a churlish master. Thus unlike the traditional pastoral relationship between the courtier and shepherds which is that of pleasing equality, in Shakespeares play the shepherd can only become a host to the ladies by becoming their servant. . more or less critics have also read this encroachment of the rights of the natives as a critique of the systemic enclosure of the commons in seventeenth century England. As mentioned earlier, the retreat into the Forest is not an escape into a utopian world. Rather than simply being an idyllic, destitute site to escape to, Arden is constructed as a neutral space where people are allowed to be themselves, free to create leaf identities and perhaps this is from where the title of the play, As You Like It, derives. 5.Each character that enters the Forest projects his own spirit on to it. So turn Duke Sr finds it to be idyllic golden world, almost Eden-like, Orlando calls it desert inaccessible. Rosalind and Celia meet a pleasant sheepcote fenced with c hromatic trees on entering the Forest while Oliver is greeted by a snake with drawn fangs and a lioness ready to kill him. So a retreat into Arden can be seen as a metaphor for the retreat into ones soul. It becomes the mirror of their minds, reflecting their thoughts onto their situations.Rosalind and Celia escape the unpleasant and dependant atmosphere of the court and don new identities in the Forest. While Celia chooses the name Aliena, representative of her state of mind, Rosalind forges an altogether new individuation for herself by choosing to dress up like a man as Ganymede. By doing this, Rosalind draws upon the latent courage and resilience of her character. She becomes a working woman, independent of all antheral control, something which the orderly and patriarchal world of the court would not have permitted.A subversion of the sex stereotypes is also happening in the relationship of Orlando and Rosalind in the Forest where Orlando roams about looking for her and ins cribing eulogies as proof of his love for Rosalind on tree barks and she tests his love in the robes of Ganymede. Orlando, whom we had seen as a man who knows his deserving and potential but is unable to body forth it due to his situation in society, transforms into a most ardent lover as he is given the freedom to express his love. The loyal courtier in him is accorded its true worth when Duke Sr recognises him as the son of Sir Rowland de Boys.Thus the launch into Forest can also be seen as a symbolic call for to determine ones identity. In so far as all the action of the play takes place in the Forest of Arden, it is of prime importance. But as we have noticed, the retreat into Arden is not a permanent move on the part of the court dwellers. The stay in the Forest is a means to and not the end itself, the end being resolution of all social and familial conflicts. And Shakespeare very well uses the pastoral tradition to achieve this resolution.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Democracy – Essay

That is to say we necessitate to meditate the meaning of body politic and its efferent constructs, watch its efficiency (so to say), ponder over its limitations and canvass It to other frame of references of government. Whether body politic was conceived of In Athens, Sparta or India Is not a topic of invade In this paper (although there may be references to historical plaints In the maturation of the Idea when pertinent). What does democracy mean? res publica comes from the Greek hulk of the quite a little. only if as I searched for a explanation of democracy in the course of inquiry for this paper, a consistent deflation of it waited to elude me.So we mustinessiness examine some of these definitions ND stress to find a m solely to the nous of democracy, if there exists 1. Bunch of different ideas and quotes atomic number 18 out thro on internet vex virtually 4-5 of them here and discuss if them from a current or historical perspective.. Vive write d own one for u The chasten to dissent without repercussions to ones personal well-being is the core time value of Democracy * Nathan Shrank dissertate quotes such as this to evaluate how these Ideas atomic number 18 Implemented In practice.. All this should meet up slightly 500 words..The only core value upliftms to be tidy sum get to prefer their government.. How much of he lots rights be respected after that greatly varies.. Forms of democracy Representative.. Constitutes parliamentary and unaffixed( more or less democracies are these) Constitutional Direct socialistic Totalitarian .. Discuss all these astir(predicate) 300 words.. A critique of democracy An illusion thither was no stone-pelting, nothing. There was no curfew They fired indiscriminately. (http//www. Lengthened. Co. UK/news/ military man/salsa/Kashmir-burns- again-as-India-responds-to-dullest-Walt-violence-2045905. HTML).The above was said by Abdul Rasher, a Kashmir youth whose friend was gunned down by Indian army officials for holding a peaceful, unbloody, anti-government rally in the summer of 2010 only tons was not an anomaly In ten process AT democracy In IANAL . Kashmir still remains the almost militaries zone in the world with intimately a half a meg march on active transaction (for the sake of comparison, the United States had about 165,000 troops in Iraq at its peak)(I read these fugues on CIA. Gob.. I dont remember the exact think ). How is that a government for the tribe is cleanup position its own citizens for holding a nonviolent demonstration?How is such a capacious implementation of a province in a democracy justified? flat a basic understanding of the ideas of freedom and liberty that democracy entails shows how abhorrent these actions are. provided these things happen, not respectable in India, hardly in other developed counties worry the United States Pansies Americans in 1942), where the rights of their citizens are violated and when they wo uld want to exercise them. So one must ask, are democracies rattling for the people? A study of storey of government savageity in countries exchangeable India and the United States seem to indicate otherwise. The to the highest degree forceful takeaway of land by theIndian government in eastern India from farmers (actions which at present led to the Nasality-Moist insurgency, something the current prime parson of India called the single biggest internal security scrap ever faced by our country. ( http// www. Ploughshares. Ca/libraries/Execrate/CAR-Lillian. HTML)), seem to put forward otherwise. The locking up of Japanese Americans in poundage camps in 1942 by Franklin Roosevelt and the Unites States government seem to suggest otherwise. The indiscriminate shooting of unarmed, nonviolent Kashmir youths (some as preteen as 9 ears old)shouting Acadia Said (freedom Freedom ) by Indian security officials seem to suggest otherwise. One gets the idea. So maybe people correspon ding Vilified Parent and Agitate Masc. are correct after all. The masses are always characterized by apathy and division, the powers to be by drive and unity (Femme, Joseph V. Against the plenty, Oxford 2001). Maybe all democracy does is switching the power scale, from domination by a despotic leader to manipulation by a democratic government. Maybe the people dont precise tolerate much of a say after all. Maybe its Just an illusion.Majority rule Majority always gets its way.. Discuss gay rights.. Civil rights in us.. Womens rights historically.. unearthly parties handle ship seen in Iambi.. travel intolerance of secularism in India.. Majority rule can get tyrannical and the nonage issues ignored when people get to square off resolutions to minority issues. The irrational voter The scoop up argument against democracy is a flipper minute conversation with the average voter. Winston Churchill chew up about how the common man is mostly ignorant about serious issues and hence can vote against his/her interests.. An greatly discuss the recent midterms in us to defend this point Basically our saying if we must solve economic issues we talk to economist.. If we must solve environmental issues we talk to mood scientists.. If we are talking drub what to see in science class we take the consensus of scientist not what the common people of the invoke think (talk bat teaching creationism in schools.. A lot of claims in us run through majority of it people absentminded creationism be taught as science even though almost no scientist recall it to be science) Not everything should be up for a vote..Economically inefficient Our a better person to write bat this Idealistic now Its Nora to apply ravage principles In practice Corrupt officials.. indifferent citizens.. Uprisings etc.. Instable Frequent elections make the government instable Castillo of examples on the internet bat this.. Best we shake? It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. - Winston Churchill Compare democracy to other forms of governments like dictatorships, communist says, syndicalist, socialist,etc.. Define ND discuss each with respect to western liberal democracy.. Eve done some of it for anarchist Anarchist Anarchists are those who advocate the absence seizure of the state, line of reasoning that common sense would part with people to come together in agreement to form a operative orderliness allowing for the participants to freely develop their own sense of morality, ethics or high-principled behavior. (from wisped). One such current society is Somalia, and it would not be hyperbole to suggest they are not doing very well. The drop of a state and police have led to nationwide lawlessness, violence and duplicate the country into utter chaos.I think Somalia really characterizes the severe consequences of not having a state and is not a direction one would want their country to go in. vainglorious people all the power has resulted in the most powerful and the most brutal of them to take power and the rest of people losing all freedom(ironically). Conclusion/reflections Every form of government has been deemed the outgo by its people at its peak of popularity (the soviets considered socialism to be the best form of government until the bring out of USSR). Democracy efficacy be the best we have, but not the best we could do.It postulate to evolve as times and conditions change. When fissures purloin in its implications, they must be aptly addressed instead of wallowing in the suppositional preferences of democracy by saying things like Hey, its the best we have. But most of all people need to check that the power that comes with democracy is not a privilege, its a duty that must be exercised to give it any real meaning. people need to understand the violent convulsions the state of things have gone through so they ay live in a democracy, it is not somethi ng to be taken for granted.People need to veer their subservience with an exertion of their hard won independence. But I must confess, all the above paragraph may Just be an empty howl to the meek and the satisfied population that constitutes most sophisticated democracies. We may have already accomplish Aloud Huxley prophecy of us becoming a trivial culture, drowning in a sea of irrelevance (Brave new world-aloud Huxley). So even as gays are do by as second class citizens and young gay teens are committing suicide by significant embers, Americans are more wide awake voting for the next American nonpareil than care for Prop 8.Even as decadency and immorality in Indian political science continues to eat away at the nations very fabric of the nation, its citizens are preoccupied with arguing about the squad that was picked for the Indian play teams next tour of wherever and mull which Plywood movie must they see next. Hence, for all of Lemons passionate singing about power to the people, the hard truth might Just be that the people dont want power, they want pleasure, and therein lies the inherent shortcoming of democracy.